Saturday, June 27, 2009

<Gasp> Obama is not a Citizen!

I just received another copy of the email referred to here:

This brought up here are two things that I don't like about the Republican Party right now:

  1. They start every political meeting with a prayer, pretending that their proceedings, beliefs, and leadership are especially blessed with the patronship of God (thereby relieving the majority of the members of any need to actually think,) and
  2. They have a large, powerful contingent of foul-mouthed, gossipy, hateful folk who spend all of their time knocking the opposition, rather than leading the party in any real way. Worse yet, the rest of the party doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with this and promulgates the misinformation and hate-talk. I have even witnessed District-level meetings where the next thing after the prayer is a joke about some Democrat!
I am not knocking anyone's religion. I am, however, belittling the practice of confusing "the things which are Caesar’s" and "the things that are God’s." The current Republican leadership apparently sees no conflict, since it encourages (or at the very least tolerates) the conflation of the two.

The current leadership claims (or abides the claim) that the founders of this country intended no separation of church and state, and that keeping religion and politics separate is both un-American and un-Christian, ignoring the historically clear separation of church and state, exemplified by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and the admonition of Christ referred to above.

I have nothing against religious beliefs or humor. However, I think those of us who have a brain and aren't afraid to use it are obligated to stand up and shout that the GOP leadership has no substance! They have no business claiming to represent us with their dual agenda of injecting religion into policies and substituting humor for honest debate. They must go before this country becomes a one-party country!

David Rogers

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We (Americans) are Mad as Hell

The question is, "Are we going to take it anymore?"

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Elephant in the Room

As the Republican Party sinks ever further out of power, it is disheartening to listen to explanations from the party regulars: the war, the economy, George Bush, John McCain, "Obama's use of technologyto organize and energize his base", yada yada.

What no one seems to want to talk about is the problematic coalition which makes up the GOP power base - a coalition which conflates conservative social values, conservative fiscal values, and conservativegovernance values. Out of good intentions, they have created a three-headed monster!

I'm fed up with being told I have to choose between a "tax and spend"socialist nanny state (Democrats) and a "fiscally conservative"theocratic nanny state (Republicans). Republicans need to get "family values" out of their policy statements and leave them to families, focusing their policies on fiscal conservatism and limited government!

They are failing to accomplish these latter goals because they are losing too many liberty-minded voters on the so-called "family values" issues. "Family values" don't come from a political party, they come from families. A political party needs policies based on the instruments of democracy,not on the dogma of theocracy!

Don't like it? Don't do it!

Don’t like firearms? .............. Don’t own a gun!
Don’t like abortion? .............. Don’t have one!
Don’t like same sex marriage? ... Don’t be in one!
Don’t like free speech? .......... Don’t listen to it!
Don’t like the rich? ............... Don’t be rich!
Don’t like religion? ............... Don’t believe in one!
Don’t like big government? ...... Don’t accept it!
Don’t like America? ............... Don’t live here!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Liberty Seems to Get Short Shrift These Days

What is Liberty these days?

Freedom of speech and religion: The freedom to say only that which offends no one else - especially Muslims.

Freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: Be all that you can be - after the draft (if you are male), after taxes, and after complying with a stupifying array of government regulations and red tape.

Freedom of assembly: Make sure you have a proper permit, liablity insurance, etc.

The right to keep and bear arms: Just don't purchase, load, or carry such arms.

Protection from unreasonable search and seizure and due process: As our glorious, crusading ex-president put it, "If we did it, it's not illegal."

Trial by jury: Juries are routinely instructed that they cannot judge the law, only the facts in a case, when in fact, the whole point of a jury of one's peers is to inform the legal system with the conscience of the community.

Protection of all other rights reserved by the people: Hell, even the enumerated rights are at risk! Wake up America!